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A Best sass framework for build typography, colors, grid, and many things too

What is Smart Scss ?

A Smart scss is the best time-saver tool and code written by sass. It’s helpful to build quickly - like typography, grid system, colors, etc. It’s got unique mixins and functions too. Once you are adapt to smart scss, you will see a good improvement in your web design.

Why you need Smart Scss?

For Example:

If you try to set typography for desktop and mobile, you need to search in a particular site for getting type scale values. It makes your mind very frustrated to identify suitable fonts for particular layouts and look like a back and forth process you feel.

that is what smart scss comes in,

p {
  @include typescale-rem(paragraph,16,5,4);

p {
  font-size: 16px;

Easy to install

There is three option for installs:

Tools Used


Find all documentation’s in the docs folder and already placed in the master branch.

Supported Version

© 2021 Suresh Pandiyan
Code released under MIT License